Advance Account Management

The Advance Account Management tool allows you to set up schedules and change capacity over multiple products and over multiple accounts. You can create new schedules and change capacities that can be published the day you create them or saved to publish on a different day. 

What's covered in this article:

How to enable Advance Account Management

  1. Navigate to the Xola App Store by clicking the App Store tab in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Locate "Advance Account Management" and select the App Store tile.
  3. Click the "Request Access" button
  4. This will send a ticket over to our Beta team, to turn the feature on for you. Once installed by the Beta team, they will reach out to let you know. 

Note: Only Administrators on the account can use Advance Account Management, all other permissions, including Primary emails on the account will not be able to use the feature. 

Configure Advance Account Management

Once installed from the App Store go to Settings>Apps> Advance Account Management> Go to App. 

OR from your Xola Dashboard, you can go to Product>Advance Account Management

This will open a new webpage for you. 


The first item you will want to create is a Collection. A Collection is where you are going to pick which listing or listings you want to make changes to at any given time. This can be for one Xola account, or Multiple Xola accounts in one collection. 

  1. To create a collection click "Create Collection"
  2. Next, name your collection
  3. Then, you will see all the listings you have access to. This can be for one account, or multiple accounts you are a user in. So be careful when creating collections and make sure the listings you are selecting are in the right account. 
  4. Lastly, click "save"
  5. Now that you have created a collection, you can manage schedules and change capacity across the listings in your collection. 


Note: At any time you can edit or delete your collection by clicking the edit or delete button in the collections dashboard. 

Schedules Management

Now, that you have a collection(s) set up, you can now set up schedules to publish. 

  1. Click on "Schedules" on the left-hand side. 
  2. Click on "Create Schedule"Screen_Shot_2021-10-08_at_12.21.25_PM.png
  3. Next, pick the collection from the dropdown pick the collection you want the schedule to apply to. 
  4. Name: This is the name of the schedule, it will appear on the listings it is applied to.
  5. Availability:
    • Open: Creates a schedule with times that this listing is available to be booked by customers.
    • Blackout: Creates a schedule with times that this listing will not be available.
  6. Repeats: 
    • Weekly: The schedule that you create will repeat each week on your calendar. Select or deselect individual weekdays using the checkboxes listed after Repeat On.
    • Custom: This allows you to hand-select individual days to which this schedule will apply.
  7. Timeslots:
    • This is where you will choose the departure times that are able to be booked for this listing. You can create as many time slots as you would like. When one gets booked, Xola will automatically check your availability for the rest of the day and adjust your schedule accordingly. 
    • If your listing does not have set departure times, toggle on "No fixed departure times". Your customers will simply select a date at checkout.
  8. Valid From: Choose the time span that you would like this schedule to apply to your listing. If this schedule will never change, you can leave these fields blank.
  9. Price: Here you can designate if there is a difference in price for this particular schedule.

    • Example: If you charge more for trips on the weekend, make a weekly schedule with Saturday and Sunday selected and choose "Price: Increase by" and your desired amount.

  10. Next, you will see a summary of the schedule you created. 
  11. After, you have created the schedule you can choose to:
    • Save and Publish: This will save the schedule and publish to the listings that are in the collection chosen. This will show in the account, as live schedules that can now be booked by your customers. 
    • Save: This will save the schedule you created and allow you to come back and publish it to be live at a later date. 
    • Cancel: Will not save your schedule and will take you back to the main schedule dashboard. 

  12. If you choose to Save and not publish, you can go back to the Schedules Dashboard, and click Publish to make that schedule now live. 
  13. You can also, edit or delete any schedule you have created and/or published. 


How schedule changes show in Xola

When you create a schedule change in Advance Account Management and publish it, you will notice in your Xola account under the listing, and can only be edited in the Advance Account Management tool. 


Note: It will show who made the schedule if you hover over the Advance Account Management icon. 

If you are the Primary email on the Xola account, you will be sent an email each time a new schedule is published. In the email, it will tell you who created and the details of the new schedule. 


Capacity Management

Now, that you have a collection(s) set up, you can now set up the Capacity Management to publish. This is for you to be able to bulk import capacity changes for different events, using a CSV file. 

  1. Click on "Capacity" on the left-hand side. 
  2. Click on "Create Capacity"Screen_Shot_2021-10-08_at_4.18.54_PM.png
  3. Next, pick the collection from the dropdown pick the collection you want the capacity to apply to. 
  4. Name: This is the name of the capacity change, it will appear on the listings it is applied to.
  5. Capacity File: Choose a file to upload into the capacity change 
    • Your CSV file needs to follow these columns:
      • Date: Year-Month-Day ex. 2021-10-08
      • Time: military time ex 1200 or 2100 (no ":" between hours and minutes)
      • Experience ID: to find the Experience ID go to Products> Listings> Click edit on the Listing, and at the top, in your URL, you will see at the end of the web address the ID, copy and paste this ID as the column header. Screen_Shot_2021-10-12_at_3.05.57_PM.png
      • Once that is done, under the column with the Experience ID, you set the number you want the capacity to be changed to. This number has to be a positive number. 
        • Note: You want to create a column for each Experience ID that is in your collection Screen_Shot_2021-10-12_at_3.09.51_PM.png
      • If you have errors in your CSV, there will be a warning that will show you what rows were not correct and why when you try to upload the CSV into the Advance Account Management tool.  
  6. After, you have created the capacity change you can choose to:
    • Save and Publish: This will save the capacity change and publish to the listings that are in the collection chosen. This will show in the account, as the new capacity for that listing(s) 
    • Save: This will save the capacity change you created and allow you to come back and publish it to be live at a later date. 
    • Cancel: Will not save your capacity change and will take you back to the main Capacity Management dashboard.
  7. If you choose to Save and not publish, you can go back to the Capacity Dashboard, and click Publish to make that capacity change now live. 
  8. You can also, edit or delete any capacity change you have created and/or published. 


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