Message Templates

Have you ever needed to send an email or SMS to several customers, for each trip, you have coming up and you end up doing a lot of copying and pasting into the Xola communications tab? With Xola's Message Templates you can now save these responses, to easily send to your customers. 

What's covered in this article:

How to set up messages

Go to CRM> Message Templates> click '+Create Template'


Name: This will be the name you will recognize when you choose which template to send. Customers will not see this field. 

Subject: This is the Subject of the email. Customers will see this before opening the email. 

Content: This is the message that will be sent to the customer. 

In addition to your own text, you have several variables to choose from when adding custom content to your email. These variables will dynamically populate content in the email based on the customer it is being sent to. 

  • Arrival: will auto-populate the start date entered by the customer
  • Company: your company's name, as entered in the settings tab
  • Company email: your account's primary email address
  • Company communication email: your account's communication email address
  • Company phone: your company's phone number, as entered in the settings tab
  • Company website: your company's website, as entered in the settings tab
  • Customer name: will auto-populate what the customer entered in the name field 
  • Listing name: will show the name of the Listing that was booked by the customer
  • Quantity count: will show only the number of demographics entered by the customer
  • Quantity: will show the number and name of the demographics entered

When done you can generate a preview to see what the message will look like. 

Remember to click 'Save' to save the template to send to your customer. 


Text Message

Name: This will be the name you will recognize when you choose which template to send. Customers will not see this field. 

Content: This is the message that will be sent to the customer. 

In addition to your own text, you have several variables to choose from when adding custom content to your email. These variables will dynamically populate content in the email based on the customer it is being sent to. 

  • Arrival: will auto-populate the start date entered by the customer
  • Company: your company's name, as entered in the settings tab
  • Company email: your account's primary email address
  • Company communication email: your account's communication email address
  • Company phone: your company's phone number, as entered in the settings tab
  • Company website: your company's website, as entered in the settings tab
  • Customer name: will auto-populate what the customer entered in the name field 
  • Listing name: will show the name of the Listing that was booked by the customer
  • Quantity count: will show only the number of demographics entered by the customer
  • Quantity: will show the number and name of the demographics entered

When done you can generate a preview to see what the message will look like. 

Remember to click 'Save' to save the template to send to your customer. 


Once you hit 'Save' the template will show on a list on the main page under the CRM, and you can edit and delete the template. 


How to send pre-defined messages to Customers

Message a day's bookings

If you want to message all customers on all tours on a specific day, i.e., all tours going out Monday, September 1 you can by the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard, choose the date you want to message and select Message Day's Bookings

A pop up will appear: 

Here, you can choose the dropdown and pick the template you would like to send the days bookings. After you choose which template, it will auto-populate the subject and body message. Screen_Shot_2021-04-26_at_5.14.03_PM.png  

Message individual timeslot

If you would like to send a message to every customer on a specific event, i.e., Puzzle Room tour at 3:30pm on September 1st.

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard and click into the timeslot
  2. Click the Actions button at the top of the roster>Send Message


A pop up will appear: 

Here you can choose the dropdown and pick the template you would like to send the days bookings. After you choose which template, it will auto-populate the subject and body massage. Screen_Shot_2021-04-26_at_5.14.03_PM.png

Message multiple timeslots on different days

If you want to message multiple timeslot across different days within the same week, you can do so using the actions from the Dashboard Week View.

  1. Select multiple timeslots using command + click.
  2. Click the gear icon on the yellow bar at the bottom and select Message.
  3. Here you can choose the dropdown and pick the template you would like to send the days bookings. After you choose which template, it will auto-populate the subject and body massage. Screen_Shot_2021-04-26_at_5.14.03_PM.png

 Message individual customers 

If you want to message a single customer you can do this easily by searching for them in the Purchases tab. 

  1. Navigate to the Purchases tab and search for the customer to whom you'd like to send a message.
  2. In the customer purchase, scroll to the Timeline section.
  3. Select the Communication tab.
  4. Click the box for Email and/or SMS
  5. Here you can choose the dropdown and pick the template you would like to send the days bookings. After you choose which template, it will auto-populate the subject and body massage. 


Note for SMS: Messages that exceed 160 characters will be sent as 2 separate texts. If a customer calls the contact number from the SMS message, they will reach a recording that instructs them to contact the Company that they booked with (you!). If you're interested in hearing that automated message, you can call 415-800-1140.

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