Product Listings

Product Listings represent the experiences that you sell. This includes describing the experience, pricing, schedules, cancelation policies, terms and conditions, and dozens of other preferences. Your listing is very customizable, but don't get overwhelmed, we will start with the basics.

If you are logging in for the first time, your view may may look like this


If not, then select Products and then Listings from the Xola menu bar and dive right in.


Global Settings

Notice the Global Settings button next to the green Create Listing button this is where you setup things that are shared amongst all of your listings.


Global Settings include:

Note: For settings marked with an asterisk (*), these can be set at a Global level or Listing level.

Please take a few minutes to click through and see what can be set in each category so that you are familiar with what the defaults are when something is not explicitly set when configuring a listing. For now, we will take the default settings configured when your Xola account was set up.


Time to create a listing, click on the green Create a Listing button and create a new listing.

Xola allows you to store all of the information associated with your listing in one place. It can be a bit daunting when you create your first listing, but you will quickly master how to create a listing.

Notice that Xola indicates which fields are required to set up a listing with a red asterisk. We will create our first listing by filling in only what is required. Later you can return and flesh out the listing with more details.

Required Fields:

  • Title: The title is the name for the experience that your customers see when they go through the booking workflow.
  • Base Price: Set the base price price for the experience. The price be modified later by demographics, schedules, and group pricing settings.
  • Demographic: Demographics describe the types of people you expect to sell the experience too. Customers will select from this list when making a booking. Demographics include groups like adults, children, seniors, etc.
  • Minimums/Maximums: Set the minimum and maximum group sizes that are best for your experience. 
  • Duration: Set the Customer Facing duration to the time that a customer should expect the experience to last. Then, set the Equipment duration to the time that anything associated with the experience is not available for another experience.
  • Schedule: Create a schedule that offers start times and dates for your customers to select from. Multiple schedules can be added to a single experience. (Configure the basics, we will circle back to look at all your schedule options later)
  • Excerpt: Create a brief excerpt, a short sentence or two, that represents the experience to the customer during the booking process.
  • Description: Create a brief excerpt, a short sentence or two, that represents the experience to the customer during the booking process. The description section is used to describe the experience to people booking through some third party platforms such as Viator. 
  • Activity & Meeting Location: Designate where your customers should show up to begin their experience. Use the map to pin an exact location and the text field to provide an address and instructions to get people where they need to be.

Click the green Save button to create the listing in Xola, congratulations! You can return later to learn more about creating listings in the Configuration > Listing Description section of the help center.

Note: If you need to duplicate an existing listing you can easily do this by hovering over the listing you want to duplicate on the main Products> Listing page and click Duplicate. This can only be performed by Xola Admins. 


Packages allow you to bundle multiple Xola listings together into one single product offering. They’re a great way to group and showcase more than one experience offering while driving incremental revenue by encouraging larger bookings.

We’re not going to go into packages at this time but we wanted you to know that they are there. Come back to the help center later for assistance setting up and using packages in your offerings with articles in the Configuration > Packages section.

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