Xola and Expedia have a working integration that allows your customer to create a booking from Expedia's website, and push that booking and its relevant information straight into you Xola account automatically. This is a great way to increase revenue by selling your tours on a major distribution channel, while still viewing the bookings and reflecting accurate availability within Xola.
To set this up you will need an Expedia account, which you can sign up for here: https://join.localexpertpartnercentral.com/
After your Expedia account is up and running, you can have it integrate it with your Xola account by following these steps:
- Locate Expedia in the Xola App Store and select it.
- Click INSTALL and agree to the terms of service.
- Click Visit Settings Page or navigate to Settings > Apps > Expedia > Configure and select which listings you would like to allow Expedia access to. Selecting listings from this page only allows Expedia to look at the selected listing's availability. Your Xola and Expedia accounts will still have to be mapped to each other with the help of Expedia's API team.
- Once you have selected the listings you want to integrate with Expedia, reach out to your assigned Expedia Destination Manager to begin the mapping process.
Note: It is important to note that all Expedia bookings are auto-accepted in your Xola account, and you cannot modify or cancel them from within Xola. You will have to login to your Expedia account to do so.