Listing-Specific Settings

The Global Review, Questionnaire, Terms & Conditions, and Blackout Schedules all have a Listing-Specific counterpart.

You can use any combination of Listing-Specific and Global elements: For example, Global Blackout Schedules and Reviews, but a few Listing-Specific Questionnaires and Terms & Conditions for some listings that require different customer information and accord. Totally up to you!

What's covered in this article:

Blackout Schedule

To block specific dates and times for individual listings:

  1. Navigate to the listing you'd like to make unavailable to book on a certain dates and times.
  2. Hover over the listing you want to make unavailable to book on a certain date and time and click Edit Listing.
  3. In the Description tag, scroll down and click the +Add schedule button. Make sure you do NOT edit an existing schedule, but rather that you're adding a new schedule.
  4. Select the Blackout option
    1. Weekly: Select the days of the week for which you'd like to make close off availability.
    2. Custom: Select the calendar dates for which you'd like to make close off availability. 

Time Ranges: Select the time range in which the Blackout Dates will close off availability. Screen_Shot_2020-06-16_at_9.56.02_AM.pngScreen_Shot_2020-06-16_at_9.57.02_AM.png

Check in

For more information on Check-in Perferences, click here. To override the Global Check -in perferences for one or more specific listing(s):

  • Hover over the listing> Edit> Check-in 
    • Toggle on the 'Require guests to check-in to participate in the event'
      • When this feature is enabled guests who are marked as checked-in will receive the review and follow up emails, but those who are not marked as checked-in will not get these emails. 



For more information on the kinds of Review Emails Xola offers, click here. To override the Global Review Email for one or more specific listing(s):

  1. Navigate to the Listings tab. 
  2. Hover over the listing to which you'd like to assign a Listing-Specific Review and click Edit Listing.
  3. From the left-side bar menu, select Reviews.
  4. Tick off "Override global review settings".
  5. Select the email template or customize your own.
  6. Click Save.

Use a listing-specific Review Email if you'd like the post-trip experience to differ from listing to listing. For example, four out of five of Popspot's walking tours are the hottest in NYC, and they want to make damn sure all their customers continue to leave the most stellar reviews on TripAdvisor. In this case, they've selected TripAdvisor as their Global Review Email. But Popspots just launched their new 1970s Times Square, tour, and they're a little nervous having people rate it on TripAdvisor while they work on getting the kinks out. In that case, they'd override the Global Review Email for a Listing-Specific Review Email that links to a Xola review instead.


To override the Global Review Email for one or more specific listing(s):

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  2. Hover over the listing to which you'd like to assign a Listing-Specific Questionnaire and click Edit Listing.
  3. From the left-side bar menu, select Questionnaire.
  4. Tick off "Override global questionnaire settings".
  5. Customize Questionnaire.
  6. Click Save.


Use a listing-specific Questionnaire if the questions you want to ask your guest depend on which experience they are booking. For example, Popspots might have a Global Questionnaire set up for four out of its five listings. But for the West Side Story tour, any Broadway actors who book receive vouchers for their next experience booked, and Popspots likes to know how many of them will be coming. In this case, Popspots would set up a Listing-Specific Questionnaire asking whether or not the guest is an actor on Broadway.

Terms & Conditions

To override the Global Terms & Conditions for one or more specific listing(s):

  1. Navigate to the Listings tab. 
  2. Hover over the listing to which you'd like to assign Listing-Specific T&Cs and click Edit Listing.
  3. From the left-side bar menu, select Terms.
  4. Tick off "Override global terms and conditions".
  5. Customize Terms and Conditions.
  6. o have your terms and conditions shown to customers on the checkout, tick the box "Force customer to agree in order to complete the booking". This will make the customer agree to these T&Cs before they pay."
    • The customer will have to check a checkbox agreeing to T&C before they will be able to reserve.
      • Screen_Shot_2021-02-01_at_10.03.16_AM.png

  7. Click Save

Use the Listing-Specific Terms and Conditions if these are differ from listing to listing. For example, four out of five of Popspot's walking tours use the Global Terms and Conditions. The Patty Smith tour, however, includes a trip to a local bar in Chelsea, so Popspots need to confirm all participants are of age. In this case, Popspots makes a Listing-Specific T&C for the Patty Smith in NYC tour so that they can ensure customers understand that that fake ID they bought down on St. Marks place is not going to cut it.


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