Cash Drawer & Receipt Printers

Your Xola account can be connected to a cash drawer and receipt printer provided you meet the following criteria:

  1. You use Xola on a desktop computer that runs Java
    • The drawer and printer are not compatible with mobile phones or tablets.
  2. Your computer has a USB port for a linking cable.

Required Hardware

You must have a one of the credit card swipers, Printer, Cash Drawer, and linking cable in order to have a properly functionality when setting up. 


Receipt Printer (Windows PC)

  • Star TSP100 TSP143U Receipt Printer
  • Purchase on Amazon here.



Receipt Printer (Mac)

  • Epson TM-T88V Thermal Receipt Printer
  • Purchase on Amazon here.


Cash Drawer 

  • APG VB320-BL1616 Standard-Duty Cash Drawer, Vasario Series
  • Purchase on Amazon here.


Linking Cable

  • Purchase on Amazon here.


In order to set up please see our Knowledge Resource Article: 

Chip and Pin Credit Card Swiper

Receipt Printer Setup- Mac

Receipt Printer Setup- Window


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